Waiting Family

The moment has finally arrived, we are officially a waiting family! It took us a little longer than planned, but we are thankful for the Lord sustaining us through some set backs and two surgeries! This feels like a huge accomplishment, the kind you celebrate with Thai food or Sushi (or both). We have no way of knowing how long our wait will be, it could be months or years. We humbly ask you to pray for us, pray for our future child. It feels as though the last 4 years have been about waiting and as we enter a different type of waiting we want to make the most of it and wait well. We will be doing another fundraiser sometime in the fall, keep an eye out for those details. We still have t-shirts! Check out the t-shirt section on our website HERE.

We were chosen to be a “featured family” for a great website called Honeycomb Hope, make sure to go like them on Facebook and follow them on Instagram. A portion of their sales will go towards our adoption fees during the week we are featured – July 11th – 17th.

Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers.

Joe and Jaclyn

“For all its complexity, the experience of adoption can be reduced to this single dilemma: Shall we be driven by fear or shall we put our confidence in love?”